Friends of Stanley Park

Friends of Stanley Park and Salisbury Woodland, Blackpool

Home Page




Blackpool Stanley Park in Summer

Stanley Park Blackpool Italian Gardens and Art Deco Cafe, July 2024

Join the Friends of Stanley Park and help maintain our wonderful park and enjoy good company Click Here for details

Friends of Stanley Park monthly meeting

Our next meeting is on Saturday 15th February 2025 at 2pm in the Visitor Centre. Tea and Coffee and a chat from 1pm




The Visitor Centre is next to the Cafe, pop in and take a look

The Visitor Centre in Stanley Park Blackpool is the hub of the Friends of Stanley Park Blackpool






The Creative Hub Sunday 9th February 2025 10am

Calling Artists, Photographers, Crafters and fellow Creatives

This Sunday we're re-opening the Hub in Stanley Park Visitor Centre next to the cafe. Please come and join us with whatever you're working on, have a brew, a chat for just a donation. Gill and Nigel look forward to meeting you.

10am to 12.30pm Sunday every two weeks.




The Christmas Fair took £1250 towards the park despite the weather. Thankyou to all who attended and took part.


Thursday 12th December was our annual Members Christmas meal at Stanley Park Golf Club. It was great to welcoming you and hope those of you who came along had an enjoyable evening.


Book Club Meetings Jan to June 2025

Next 27th February 2025

Meet at 1.30pm for 2pm start, fourth Thurday in Jan, Feb, March in Stanley Park Visitor Centre, Blackpool

The Friends of Stanley Park hold their book club meeting on the 4th Thursday of each month.

The next meeting is on Thursday 23rd January at 1.30pm for a 2pm start in the Stanley Park Visitor Centre next to the cafe. Note the start is an hour later from April.

New members welcome.

Book Club - Friends of Stanley Park Blackpool   2025 dates


23rd January You are here by David Nicholls

27th February Erebus by Michael Palin

27th March Silas Marner by George Elliot

24th April A date with Malice by Julia Chapman Dales

Detective 2

22nd May We need to talk about Kevin by Lional Shriver

26th June Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

at Stanley Park Visitor Centre


FREE ENTRY (£1 optional donation for Tea/Coffee)

Jan, Feb & march sessions 1.30 pm for 2 pm start (winter time)

April to June 2.30 for 3 pm start (summer time)

For more information contact:



Halloween Weekend Sat & Sunday 26th/27th Oct 2024 raised £1700

Congratulations to all the people that came and those who were involved setting it up, operating it and taking the money, you did an absolute fabulous job. Also many thanks to all the people who donated prizes to the event and the cake makers did a fabulous job once again. Without you all and your support these events would not take place. Thank you very much on behalf of us all.


Friends of Stanley Park Annual Tea Party 20th July 2024

A lovely afternoon with the Friends and members of Blackpool council at our annual afternoon tea. Many thanks from Shaun, Karlos at the Art Deco Cafe.



Family Entertainment in Blackpool

Find us on Facebook



Weekly Meetings

Craft Club: Every Tuesday 10am to 3pm in the Visitor Centre.

Dog Walkers Club: Every Wednesday 10am to noon in the Visitor Centre hosted by Pauline.

Gardeners Club: Every Monday and Thursday 10am to 12. Meet in the Rose Garden or Memorial Garden hosted by Graham.

Summer Sundays, Music on the Bandstand, volunteers always welcome.

Fortnightly Meetings

The Creative Hub at 10.30am on Sundays as announced on Facebook

Monthly Meetings

The monthly members meeting is on the 3rd Saturday of each month the Visitor Centre at 2pm to 4pm.

Book Club: Every 4th Thursday in the Visitor Centre

New Members and Volunteers always welcome.







CCTV Cameras now operating 11th July 2023

CCTV cameras are now fully operational in Stanley Park and are being monitored. Please spread the word that the cameras are now working and make sure your dog is on a lead where indicated by signs in the Park. Dog Wardens are empowered to take appropriate action especially for attacks on wildlife.




Keep up to date on our Facebook page

Link to our Facebook Page, click like when you get there



Tuesday 9th May 2023 A date at the Palace, Buckingham Palace

Garden Party for those attaining the Queens Award for Voluntary Service 2022


Nigel Patterson, Chair of the Friends of Stanley Park, and Carole Thaw, Events Officer, of the Friends of Stanley Park, and Lynne Patterson attended a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on the 9th May 2023.

The Garden Party was hosted, on behalf of The King, by The Prince of Wales. His Royal Highness was joined by The Princess of Wales, The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, The Princess Royal and The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester. Altogether 8,000 guests attended the party in recognition of their public service and charity or community work.

Nigel, Carole and Lynne:Friends of Stanley Park Blackpool at Buckingham Palace for the Queens Award for Voluntary Service 2022 Garden Party

Go to our News Page to find out what we've done, click here

Welcome, please join us

We are a friendly group who work with the co-operation of Blackpool Council to make the park as attractive and interesting as possible.

Meet new friends and become involved in park life.

If you are interested in joining us or becoming a volunteer please use the link below

Click Here to go to the Join Us Page



Photo of the Stanley Park Rose Garden in 2022, a favourite activity of our Gardening Club.

The Rose Garden Stanley Park Blackpool



Members of the book club meeting on the 4th Thursday of every month

Friends of Stanley Park Book Club meeti in the Visitor Centre every 4th Thursday of the month


Photo of the attractive Italian Gardens backed by the Cocker Clock Tower in 2017:

Stanley Park Blackpool Italian Gardens


It has been an enormous honour to be awarded The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service 2022,

the Friends of Stanley Park Blackpool June 2022:

The Queens Award for Voluntary Service 2022 Friends of Stanley Park Blackpool


Stanley Park Blackpool:

Winners of the Fields in Trust

Best park in the UK twice: 2017 and 2019 and best park in England 2022

2022 the Friends of Stanley Park were awarded the The Queens Award for Voluntary Service

Twice winners of the Fields in Trust UK's Best Park Award, 2017 and 2019. Fields in Trust Best Park in the UK - Stanley Park Blackpool

Fields in Trust Best Park in the UK - Stanley Park Blackpool

Plus Best Have a Field Day 2017 from Fields in Trust for the 90th Summer Celebration

Best Have a Field Day 2017



Postal Address:

Friends of Stanley Park & Salisbury Woodland,
c/o Parks & Green Environment Service,
Stanley Park Offices,
West Park Drive,

Updated: 2nd February 2025